January 17, 2013

DBEX Chapter 17




  1. Hope uub can come out of this. Be sad to see him go, so short.

    1. Well, you know... I'm not writing the plot, but Uub had to lose eventually.

      Otherwise the story would end without taking into account Goku's uncle, Buu, Master Roshi with the prophecy, and all the other characters.

      Hopefully he can resist a little longer and stay alive :)

  2. Love this story!!!!! Keep it up!!! :-)

  3. Great story and art! Keep it up!!!!!! How many pages per week are you able to do? Thanks a lot!!!!!

    1. Rogeru draws 2 pages per week, which are published on thursdays and sundays.
      As soon as the pages are published, I translate them into English and update the section. I don't take much time, so the same day, on thursdays and sundays, the pages are ready for you to enjoy.

      Thank you for your support, it means a lot to the whole team.

  4. I realy love it cant wait to see more I like how the story line is turning out so wen will da next chapters be out

    1. We're glad you like it, thank you for your feedback. Regarding your question:

      It is published page by page, not chapter by chapter.
      Rogeru is the only one who draws, and he's able to draw 2 pages per week.
      Today you have a new one, page 197, and on sunday 198 will be ready.

      So rather than questioning for the next chapters to be out, ask for pages :D
      Every thursday and sunday a new page is out

  5. Hey all, today we have a new page, 197, and we've got it even sooner than the original version is published !!
    This is the first time this happens!

    Enjoy :)

  6. Farewell Uub lol, goku would be happy. This guy doing the strips is good. I believe he traces but hey, that dont bother me. This is a great story. As long as you can do good with it.

    1. The guy who draws is Rogeru. You're right, he's very good, that's because he's a professional. He studied digital animation & comic.
      He explains it in a comment on the original version.

  7. We got to page 200!! :) :)

  8. Omg I thought uub actually did somethin... so sad.

  9. For some reason I want Uub dead now and Evil Goku going up against Vegeta

    1. :O poor Uub
      I think everyone wants Vegeta back in the fight sooner or later ;)

  10. Did not see that, 17 coming in and cutting his tail. This justs gets better and better lol.

  11. Replies
    1. That's a good Idea!
      But I don't think Vegeta is the one who needs it more.

      It's not necessary to use the seed while they can destroy it, because their enemy is already weak, but if they can get it rather than just destroy it, I think Uub is the one who should eat it.

      They don't need Vegeta or Uub fighting anymore, Evil Goku can't fight right now.
      Vegeta is safe, while Uub... may die in a few seconds.

  12. We need a page to see whats going on in gokus head

    1. The next pages are already decided, but I don't know what's in them.
      Maybe we'll have a page like that, who knows? :)
